Today marks 3 years since the day Matt and I said ‘I do’. Time has truly flown and yet in so many ways I feel like we have been together forever. This might be because we have actually known each other 11 years, or it could be because SO.MANY.THINGS have happened in the last 3 years. Like big, life changing things. Looking back, it is hard to believe we have fit it all in. In this small amount of time we have managed to-
Get married, Matt work in 2 different jobs, start this business, have our first child, have our 2nd child & live in 2 different homes.
I don’t think I would mind if the next three years were a little less eventful but no less joyful. The time I have been married to this man has been the best of my life. I pray every day that this time would go slow, when we are young, when our babies are small, because all I hear from those who have gone before us is that we will always look back on these days as the best of our life. I am sure that is true to a point, but as long as I am with my husband (partner, best friend, everything…), I really feel like I will be looking to the future with joy. Ultimately, my satisfaction is in the Lord and I am thankful that Matt would have it no other way, but I am truly thankful that God would see fit for Matt to walk beside me in these days on earth.
In addition to the many life events, we have also had SO MANY photo-shoots in the past few years. Each of them commemorated a significant event and I believe deeply in capturing as many moments as possible on camera. So I thought I would share one picture from each of our professional photos shoots since we got engaged. It was super fun digging up these pictures and I hope you enjoy.
To my love- I am so thankful for the Godly man that you are, how hard you work for our family and what an incredible dada you are to our boys. I pray that the next 30 years would be only half as fun as these first 3. We are truly blessed. I love you!
Engagement- Oct 2009 Photo by The Schultzes
Married- March 19th, 2010 Photo by The Schultzes
Pregnant with Oliver- June 2011 Photo by Rachel of Millie Holloman Photography
Oliver’s birth- August 10th, 2011 Photo by Red White and Green Photography
Family Portraits, Oli 6 months- March 2012 Photo by Heather Fink Photography
Pregnant with Canaan- Oct. 2012 Photo by Heather Fink Photography
Canaan’s birth- Nov. 11th, 2012 Photo by Heather Fink Photography
Family Portraits, Oli 18 months Canaan 3 months Photo by Rachel Red Photography
I can’t beleive it has been a year since I first met Julie, Jeremy and sweet baby Maddex (who was in Julie’s belly at the time). Since then, I got to meet Maddex face to face at his newborn session and spend even more time with him as his 6 month session. Maddex is now almost a year old and has developed into a smart, and completely adorable little guy. He was so happy throughout our session, which made my job so easy!
Enjoy this precious little one.
What a day! Whew…. I was at a very encouraging women’s conference this morning. Then headed out for an engagement session with a beautiful couple and PERFECT weather this afternoon. And on my way home… BAM. I get rear-ended. Almost enough to ruin what would have otherwise been an amazing day. Except it didn’t. Because I still had this announcement to look forward to…
I have been so excited about this contest, almost as if I was the one winning something. It must be because of the wonderful encouraging comments and shares. Seriously you guys are awesome, and I am so incredibly thankful for each kind word.
So without further adieu…..
The winner of 50% off a Full Session is Curt Hamilton!
The winner of 50% off a Mini Session is Erin McGinn!
I had so much fun with this contest that I plan to do more this year, so if you didn’t win, don’t be discouraged! Thanks again to everyone who put the word out on my new site. I am truly blessed!
About a month or so ago, Matt and I went on a special date night to discuss 1 thing. My business. I have been feeling for a while now that the time has come for me to take the next step and streamline some things in order to really focus on where I want to go. We spent time talking about risks, goals, and the steps I must take to achieve these goals. God’s grace has been with me every step on the way from the time that this business began, and it has been so exciting for me to see much of these goals come into fruition already. I will share more as things happen publicly but for now, I am so excited to announce that one of my biggest goals, a website and brand upgrade, is complete and I am thrilled to show it off. Please click on the HOME tab and make your way around the new angela-tucker[dot]com and get to know our new home.
Because I am so happy about meeting this goal, I am doing my first ever giveaway! 1 person has a chance to win 50% off a Full session and 1 person has a chance to win 50% off a Mini-session, both redeemable anytime in 2013.
Here’s how it works- 1) Comment on this post and let me know what you think of the new site. 2) Share the new site on your Facebook page and let your friends know what you think. That’s it!
You can enter up to 5 times which means you would need to post 5 comments/shares. Contest ends 9pm Saturday night and I will announce the winner then. The winner will be chosen randomly through random[dot]com.
And because every post needs a picture, here are my two guys just shy of 4 months and 19th months. It took everything I had to get this shot of Oliver as he is a busy little bee these days, and Canaan is by far the happiest baby I have ever met.
I enjoyed getting to know sweet Baby Amelia so much. I met her at just under 3 weeks old so we were able to get some sleeping pictures as well as some while she was awake. She was so tiny and dainty, much different from my 15lb 3-month old! I recently went to a lighting workshop and had a great time making use of the natural light pouring into Amelia’s room. I especially love a lot of the images in black and white which is why you will see more than usual.
Enjoy this sweet little one.
This is a bear from Amelia’s mom’s childhood. I love that she wanted a picture of her little girl with it.
I got the opportunity to meet the Bowden Family a couple weeks ago and they were a joy to photograph. Pat, Meghan and their sweet little Wynne (love this name!) just moved here from Colorado. Wynne recently turned a year old and started walking. I loved seeing her toddle around discovering ALL that was on the ground. My favorite kind of images are ones where you can tell just how much a family loves one another, and these are the perfect example of that.
Enjoy this sweet family!
Tiffany and Patrick’s little Lauren is absolutely precious! She came early and was tee-tiny when I photographed her. I first met these two at their Baby Bump shoot just a few short months ago. We were both sporting our bumps at the time. It’s amazing how time flies. Sweet Lauren is Tiffany and Patrick’s first and I know they are going to make phenomenal parents. Enjoy your sweet one, you two… She will be running around before you know it!
You may remember the McGinn family from their Baby Bump session a couple of months ago. Well, baby Harper is here and is as sweet as ever! I had such a great time seeing them as a family of 4. Big sister, Molly is particularly great wtih her new baby sister. Congrats Erin, Mac & Molly! I hope you enjoy these images for years to come.
To say that this family is special to Matt and I would be a huge understatement. Blair and James (with the two little ones) are great friends of mine and Matt’s from college. Blair’s parents, Neal and Sherri mentored us during our engagement and we have learned so much from their marriage. I love the unique roll each person plays in the Hopper clan, it makes them so fun to be around. Only for these guys would I tackle a 10-person family shoot at 39 weeks pregnant, but they made it pretty easy.
We met at the Hopper home which was a lovely location with the gorgeous fall leaves and cute yard as our backdrop. It also helped that their outfits were coordinated to perfection.
Enjoy this precious family, they are sure to put a smile on your face.