Archive for newborn & baby love

I’m so excited to share these sessions coming up in the next couple of weeks…

Happy Family :: The White’s

Engaged! :: Mike & Dayna

Baby Bump :: Christina & Ryan

Newborn Love :: ILeana Noelle

Stay tuned tomorrow for Part I of Angela and Brent’s Peninsula Club wedding!


This post is coming a little late seeing that Halloween was a couple of weeks ago… When I’m busy with back to back sessions and editing, I don’t get much time to work on images from my own life and it seems that things have been that way since Oliver was born. Hence, the 5 pictures in his album on facebook. So last night I took the time to prepare these adorable images from Halloween week for the blog and I LOVE how they turned out!

*Make sure to scroll to the bottom to see Oli’s Halloween costume.

It was my friend Heather’s idea to carve the pumpkin and put the babies inside. Oliver’s little friends Adelai and Haddon got inside the pumpkin for pictures as well, check out Heather’s blog for those shots. Because there was so much to take in, and because Oli had never been inside a pumpkin before, he just wouldn’t give us a good smile no matter how ridiculous my sister would act. He just sat back and observed the the world around him, but I love all his little expressions anyway:).

Here is our little golfer man on Halloween. I just might turn out to be one of those moms who does the handmade Halloween costume with clothes from home. I tried ordering a Scarecrow costume in an infant size but when we received it, it was literally big enough for a four year old, so I had to wing it… and I’m pretty happy about how it turned out.

Words can’t express how much Matt and I love this little guy. He is such a joy to us and we love acting completely crazy just to hear his sweet laugh. Hopefully as the season calms down, I’ll be share more pics of our little cutie!


A few weeks ago, I got a call from Boston’s mommy Cara. She shared with me that she wanted a session with sweet Boston as soon as we could possibly get it scheduled because Boston was only just a couple days shy of 3 weeks old and was already changing so fast! Having an infant myself, I knew exactly what Cara was experiencing so we planned a session that weekend. Baby Boston was the most precious thing ever and made me miss having Oliver that small. He decided he didn’t want to sleep for any of our time together, there was just too much going on for him to miss anything. Here are a few of my favorites of this precious one…


Right now, I’m getting mine and Oli’s things together to head off to the mountains with a bunch of wonderful ladies from my church for a little retreat time. I don’t think Oliver is going to mind being on a trip with so many girls since most of them will want to hold him the entire time;). But before go, I thought I’d share some things that will be coming down the pipeline in the next couple of weeks. See ya next week!


Engaged! :: Jessica & Mitch


Baby Love! :: Boston


Just Married :: Adam & Emily

Sep 12, 2011

Meet Harper…

This sweet girl is one of the happiest babies i have ever met:) She was absolutely a breeze to photograph! Her sweet parents Ashely & Dylan asked me to capture this fun time in their baby’s life and I was so happy and honored to do so.

Ashley, Dylan & Harper- I had so much fun with you guys, you have such a precious family! Thank you for allowing me to capture the love that is so evident in the images.


Like I mentioned in the last post, I got back to work this past Saturday by spending a couple hours with the sweet Morrison family. Harper just turned 6 months old and boy does she love to smile for the camera! Makes my job so easy. Stay tuned next week for the full post but for now enjoy this little sneak peek! 🙂


Matt and I met Jessica and Tim in our childbirth class and immediately hit it off. I can’t believe their precious Lily has arrived and is already a few weeks old. Hopefully our little guy will be soon behind her!

Penny the dog just loves looking at her new little sister!

Can’t imagine how many lilies little Lily received… So sweet:)

Coming soon….

(Hopefully before the arrival of Baby Tucker!)


Newborn Love :: Lily Grace


Engaged :: Amy & Chris


Baby Bump :: Heather & Jesse

Make sure to show these gorgeous ones some comment love!