Archive for newborn & baby love

Untitled-2I can’t beleive it has been over 2 years since I shot Liam’s newborn portraits and now I get to share his baby sister, Cora! My repeat clients make me feel like life is going by so quickly, didn’t I just see these two for maternity portraits just a week or so ago…??? Katie and Michael are such a great parents and it is always a joy to be in their home. Liam was amazing with his baby sister, especially since he’s TWO and that gives him every excuse not to cooperate at all. What a big boy he was! And little Miss Cora… she was a angel. I don’t think I heard a peep out of her until the last ten minutes of our time together. What a sweet little beauty she is, I just love every image in this session. Enjoy.

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Once I finished my last portrait session before maternity leave, I got pretty inspired to start tackling some personal work. First up, my niece Emerson at 6 months old! This girl is definitely the little princess in our family, which I don’t mind because because that means my little sister had to give up her princess title. 😉 Emmie is now sitting up, smiling all the time and drooling like crazy! We did an impromptu session at my house a couple of weeks ago and I love these images of our little Cabbage Patch doll. Now that I’ve started rolling, I have some pretty lofty goals on getting personal sessions edited, so look for more images of my family coming soon. Enjoy!

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Matt and I had the opportunity to drive to Virginia to meet sweet baby Graham for his newborn session. Susan is a long time friend and it was so special to be able to spend some time with her and Curt in these first days of their son’s life. Susan and Curt decided to be surprised by the baby’s gender so they didn’t know Graham was a boy until he was born. Susan worked hard on their gender neutral nursery and I am pretty sure this is the most beautiful nursery I have ever seen. I mean seriously, check out that wall! I love everything about it.

Congrats, Susan and Curt on your little guy. I know you will both be wonderful parents!

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Little Miss Stella Bea has been long awaited by so many who love her. She gets her name from her grandmother, a great example and influence is so many lives including mine. ‘Bea’ comes from Memama Stella’s best friend. I bet these 2 wonderful ladies never thought their names would be put together to name a precious new one. The locket in these images belonged to Memama Stella and I just love the classic element it adds. This baby girl is the perfect addition to the Weddington family and her big brothers are already so in love as you will see. I’m so happy I get to be apart of your life Miss Stella Bea, I can’t wait to see what a wonderful woman you will become!

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You may remember sweet Scarlett from her 3 month session a few months ago. It is amazing how quickly babies grow and how much she had changed when I saw her again. Scarlett was sitting up like a champ and doing everything she could to get as much grass in her mouth as possible. I love to watch how a baby is discovering the world at this age. Gale and Rob are such great parents and they are quickly moving to the top of my list as some of my favorites to photograph. Enjoy this sweet family!

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It has been a rare occurrence that I have ever been able to get through a Newborn Session without many baby cries. It is hard work being photographed, changing clothes, being placed in random objects, and I don’t blame these little ones for being unhappy about it at times. But Caroline, she was another story. I literally never heard her cry the entire time I was in her home. She was a perfect angel and slept right through her over 2 hour session. This didn’t really surprise me though, because Josh and Sarah are some of the most laid back clients I have ever had. Of course they would have the most laid back baby. I could already see that these two and taking on parenthood with so much grace and I can’t wait to see Caroline grow up to be a beautiful little lady. Enjoy this sweet one, this session is definitely one of my favorites.

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I could not be more thrilled for Devon and Jonathan for the arrival of their sweet little boy, Shepherd (Shep). This is a strong Christian family and so they found this name most meaningful for their first born son, as they hope for him to ‘shepard’ his siblings who follow behind in a way that glorifies God. I absolutely love it when names have a deeper meaning than what you see on the surface and this is by far one of my favorites! I know Devon and Jonathan are going to be amazing parents and I can’t wait to see the young boy that Shep will grow into. I am to blessed to have been able to meet these two (now three) and be apart of such an intimate time in their lives. Enjoy this sweet one. Favorites0002 Untitled-4 Untitled-5 DSC_7065 Untitled-6 Favorites0010

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This turtle outfit and all the hats to see below, Devon made. Man, I was impressed! Favorites0018Favorites0020 Favorites0022 Favorites0024 Untitled-2 Favorites0027


Gale is an old friend from high school and I was so excited when she contacted me to schedule a 3 month session for her new baby girl, Scarlett. This little girl was one of the easiest babies to photograph. She was so content the entire time and even gave us some sweet smiles from time to time. Gail and Rob are so blessed to have such a sweet thing join their family. Enjoy!

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Newborn sessions are some of my very favorite things to shoot. I never really know what to expect when I go to a home and into the baby’s nursery. This makes every session different and I love that. Sweet baby Luke’s dad is a fireman for the CMFD so naturally his room was geared around this as well as our session. It was so fun using some of Ray’s real firefighter gear and it was amazing to see how small Luke was in comparison to the heavy items that we used. Lindsey and Ray are doing such a great job with this little guy and I love these images of their sweet family. Enjoy. 🙂

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Sam is such a cutie and I can’t beleive how fast time has flown since I shot his newborn session. He just recently turned one year old and is a ball of energy and fun like any boy should be. Enjoy this sweet session!

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