Archive for happy family

Al, Samantha, and their sweet Taylor are such a loving and happy family. I got to know Taylor at her 6 month session a few months back and I couldn’t beleive how much she had grown in only those few months! It was raining when I arrived at their home, but luckily they have a quint little front porch that we were able to use for the shoot. It worked perfectly.

Nothing like taking in a sweet baby smiles, and a family loving on each other over your Saturday morning coffee. Enjoy!

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Newborn sessions are so priceless to me. Of course, I adore holding precious tee-tiny babies in my arms and getting them in front of my camera. But, there is something about entering a family’s home in this intimate time of bringing home a new baby that means so much to me. Mom and dad tending so carefully to such a fragile little one, siblings still getting use to being gentle and the sometime piercing cries. It means more that I can say that my clients allow me into their home at such a special time.

I was so keenly aware of these things when I entered into the Saunder’s home. Sweet Megan was born at 35 weeks happy and healthy. Her big brother Parker is such a cutie and is so great with his little sister. When I entered the home, Parker was playing with his play kitchen which is the same one I had when I was little! I immediately knew that it was going to be a great shoot and I was completely right. These 4 were a joy to photograph. Enjoy this precious family.

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I had a great time photographing the sweet Ball family. Katie, Tracy, and little Levi were complete naturals in front of my camera ,which always makes my job easy. I absolutley love Katie’s style as well as how her boys were dressed. Many of my clients ask me what to wear and I always say- lots of color & accessories, color coordinate without being too matchy matchy… Their wardrobe selection is the perfect example of this!

Sweet 6 month old Levi was super loving and smiley. This is one of my most favorite baby ages. It is clear how much these two love their little guy. Katie and Tracy, thank you for letting me take a peek into your precious family, I hope you treasure these images for years to come!

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It has been a crazy week around the Tucker home. I always go a little stir crazy when I am stuck in the house for too long with a bunch of sickies, especially when I am one of them! I am convinced that seeing one of my kids sick has to be one of the worst things EVER. So. Glad. that’s over…

But before all the sickness started, I have been a busy photographer and there will be lots coming out in the coming weeks. Here are a few sneak peeks until then! Enjoy. 🙂

Baby Bump :: Kristy & RyanDSC_2799

Happy Family :: Katie, Tracy & LeviRJB_0098

Just Married :: Kristina & Krestan  DSC_0141

Just Married :: Ashley & TylerDSC_1953

Newborn Love :: Baby MeganRJB_0337

Just Married :: Mallory & Grant DSC_3634



I can’t beleive it has been a year since I first met Julie, Jeremy and sweet baby Maddex (who was in Julie’s belly at the time). Since then, I got to meet Maddex face to face at his newborn session and spend even more time with him as his 6 month session. Maddex is now almost a year old and has developed into a smart, and completely adorable little guy. He was so happy throughout our session, which made my job so easy!

Enjoy this precious little one. 🙂

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I got the opportunity to meet the Bowden Family a couple weeks ago and they were a joy to photograph. Pat, Meghan and their sweet little Wynne (love this name!) just moved here from Colorado. Wynne recently turned a year old and started walking. I loved seeing her toddle around discovering ALL that was on the ground. My favorite kind of images are ones where you can tell just how much a family loves one another, and these are the perfect example of that.

Enjoy this sweet family!



Tiffany and Patrick’s little Lauren is absolutely precious! She came early and was tee-tiny when I photographed her. I first met these two at their Baby Bump shoot just a few short months ago. We were both sporting our bumps at the time. It’s amazing how time flies. Sweet Lauren is Tiffany and Patrick’s first and I know they are going to make phenomenal parents. Enjoy your sweet one, you two… She will be running around before you know it!

You may remember the McGinn family from their Baby Bump session a couple of months ago. Well, baby Harper is here and is as sweet as ever! I had such a great time seeing them as a family of 4. Big sister, Molly is particularly great wtih her new baby sister. Congrats Erin, Mac & Molly! I hope you enjoy these images for years to come.

To say that this family is special to Matt and I would be a huge understatement. Blair and James (with the two little ones) are great friends of mine and Matt’s from college. Blair’s parents, Neal and Sherri mentored us during our engagement and we have learned so much from their marriage. I love the unique roll each person plays in the Hopper clan, it makes them so fun to be around. Only for these guys would I tackle a 10-person family shoot at 39 weeks pregnant, but they made it pretty easy.

We met at the Hopper home which was a lovely location with the gorgeous fall leaves and cute yard as our backdrop. It also helped that their outfits were coordinated to perfection.

Enjoy this precious family, they are sure to put a smile on your face.

Julie and Noah are sweet friends from college and I have loved watching their family grow in the last year. Their precious Elijah was born last January and he is the most adorable little guy! Julie and Noah are photographers as well [check out their FB page here] and they blessed us by photographing Oliver’s 1st Birthday Party (which I have not had the chance to post yet).

We planned this session just after Elijah turned 6 months old and his sweet smile was a joy to capture. This is the best time to photograph a baby. They are sitting up, smiley but not yet crawling! I love everything about this session, is this family not gorgeous?
