Archive for happy family


When Noelle contacted me to schedule a Christmas shoot for her family I knew it would be a great opportunity to do a shoot with all the gorgeous Christmas decor uptown. The day we shot turned out to be pretty tough weather-wise but thanks to Founders Hall and some indoor areas surrounding we were able to find some great indoor spot with nice natural light coming in.

The purpose of this shoot was to capture the whole family together which hadn’t happened in a few years, but mostly is was to capture the apple of everyone’s eye, little Miss Zoe. This sweet girl was 10 months old at the time and she could not have been more easy to work with. Such a happy baby and it is clear how loved she is by her parents, grandparents, aunt and uncle. I’m so glad it worked out for me to spend time with this family, such a sweet blessing right before Christmas. Enjoy!

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Little Miss Stella Bea has been long awaited by so many who love her. She gets her name from her grandmother, a great example and influence is so many lives including mine. ‘Bea’ comes from Memama Stella’s best friend. I bet these 2 wonderful ladies never thought their names would be put together to name a precious new one. The locket in these images belonged to Memama Stella and I just love the classic element it adds. This baby girl is the perfect addition to the Weddington family and her big brothers are already so in love as you will see. I’m so happy I get to be apart of your life Miss Stella Bea, I can’t wait to see what a wonderful woman you will become!

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You may remember sweet Scarlett from her 3 month session a few months ago. It is amazing how quickly babies grow and how much she had changed when I saw her again. Scarlett was sitting up like a champ and doing everything she could to get as much grass in her mouth as possible. I love to watch how a baby is discovering the world at this age. Gale and Rob are such great parents and they are quickly moving to the top of my list as some of my favorites to photograph. Enjoy this sweet family!

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I could not be more thrilled for Devon and Jonathan for the arrival of their sweet little boy, Shepherd (Shep). This is a strong Christian family and so they found this name most meaningful for their first born son, as they hope for him to ‘shepard’ his siblings who follow behind in a way that glorifies God. I absolutely love it when names have a deeper meaning than what you see on the surface and this is by far one of my favorites! I know Devon and Jonathan are going to be amazing parents and I can’t wait to see the young boy that Shep will grow into. I am to blessed to have been able to meet these two (now three) and be apart of such an intimate time in their lives. Enjoy this sweet one. Favorites0002 Untitled-4 Untitled-5 DSC_7065 Untitled-6 Favorites0010

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This turtle outfit and all the hats to see below, Devon made. Man, I was impressed! Favorites0018Favorites0020 Favorites0022 Favorites0024 Untitled-2 Favorites0027


I had such a great time photographing the Nardone family. Avery and Addison are twin 5-year-olds and although their personalities could not be more different, I could definitely see that twin connection that people talk about. They love each other so much! Know mom and dad only hope this won’t change in the teenage years. We had great light and locations for this sweet session and the Nardone family did not hesitate to have fun together, which is what I always hope for in a session. Enjoy this adorable family!

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Gale is an old friend from high school and I was so excited when she contacted me to schedule a 3 month session for her new baby girl, Scarlett. This little girl was one of the easiest babies to photograph. She was so content the entire time and even gave us some sweet smiles from time to time. Gail and Rob are so blessed to have such a sweet thing join their family. Enjoy!

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Susan and Curt are one of my favorites couples ever. Susan is a friend from college and the first time I met Curt was when him and Susan got re-dressed in their wedding clothes for a portrait session, when my business was just getting off the ground. Since then, these 2 have stayed in touch and stayed loyal to me for their photography needs. Such a wonderful way to keep up with their growing family! Susan and Curt are expecting their first little one come December and I can’t wait to meet him or her (they are finding out gender)! It is so clear how much these 2 love each other and Susan is just glowing in these images. Their dog Ruby even made a debut in these first few photos. Enjoy.


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Sam is such a cutie and I can’t beleive how fast time has flown since I shot his newborn session. He just recently turned one year old and is a ball of energy and fun like any boy should be. Enjoy this sweet session!

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Joey and Lindsay Smith are friends of Matt and mine from collage, so I was excited when they reconnected with me to schedule a family shoot. This was not just going to be any shoot though. See, Lindsay and Joey have been dealing with the heartbreaking struggle of infertility for 7 years. They have a huge heart for the ministry of adoption and have gone on to adopt their precious Hannah and Hunter who you see pictured. True blessings from the Lord. Lindsay’s attitude about her infertility struggles have been such an encouragement to me. She has accepted this as what the Lord has for their family and is so excited to be an advocate for adoption. So you can imagine how shocked this family was when Lindsay finally took that positive pregnancy test. Yep, positive. What a blessing it was for me to be in on capturing this incredible time in their lives, to announce the beautiful news that Lindsay was pregnant.

I have thought so much about how to share the 2nd chapter of this story, but I think it is best coming from Lindsay herself. Everything is perfectly explained in this blog post. Please read it. What amazes me most about this story is Lindsay and Joey’s unwavering hope in God’s sovereign plan for their lives. Her perspective as she wrote about their heartbreak truly astounds me.

So this shoot is not just any shoot to me. It captures a family’s love for one another and the celebration of something so sacred, something they thought they might never experience. Again, what a joy it was for me to be apart of such a meaningful time. Thanks, Lindsay and Joey for allowing me to take part in your celebration of #3. I am praying for you and I know many of the people that look at these images are praying too.

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A couple of months ago, Sarah contacted me about scheduling a photo session for her mom. This is a wonderful time in this sweet lady’s life, both of her children are happily married and she has recently been blessed in her first grandchild, Miss Elizabeth who is absolutely adorable. I can’t think of a better time to stop and capture a family, and I am so thankful that I got to be the one to do it! Enjoy this lovely family.

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