Archive for baby bump
Aug 28, 2012
posted in baby bump with 0 Comments

Andrea and Matt’s twin boys, Cooper and Parker are due to arrive any day now. I was so impressed by how Andrea was up for anything during our shoot while carrying those little precious ones around. She definitely made carrying twins seem do-able to me. I could tell how much these two are already in love with their baby boys and I know they are going to be wonderful parents.

Congrats you two!

Now that I am back from vacation, I am so excited to share these weddings and sessions coming soon! Also, coming up is Oliver’s first birthday and his one year mini-session. Be on the lookout!

First up, Andrea and Matt who are pregnant with TWIN boys. So fun!

Baby Bump :: Andrea & Matt

Engaged! :: Kristina & Kreston

Just Married :: Breanne & Ryan

Newborn Love :: Baby Sam

Engaged! Adam & Elise

Just Married :: Amanda & Kerry

Engaged! Jaime & Chris

In Love :: Amy & Brian

Feb 08, 2012
posted in baby bump with 3 Comments

A couple of weeks ago, I got the opportunity to photograph Julie and Jeremy, who are only two of the nicest people in the world. They are expecting their first, a baby boy, right around the corner in March. That’s right, Julie is pushing EIGHT months preggo in these images and you can barely see her bump. Pregnancy definitely looks great on thisĀ  girl.

I love they way their session turned out so check it out!

Winter sessions and weddings have been such a JOY this year with our mild 60-70 degree weather. Here’s a peek at what’s to come in the next few weeks!

Baby Bump :: Julie & Jeremy

Just Married! :: Hilary & Thomas

Newborn Love :: Baby Liam

Just Married :: Manda & Blake


Jan 20, 2012
posted in baby bump with 1 Comments

Told ya! (For those of you who didn’t link through Facebook, I was just sharing how GORGEOUS Christina is.)

Christina and Ryan’s baby girl, Tinley is due in just a couple weeks and I know they are on the edge of their seats waiting to meet her. We had such a great time at their baby bump session. After shooting at our first location, we decided to head over to the Panther Stadium for some shots since Christina and Ryan are huge Panther fans. Thanks so much you two for allowing me to capture such a special time in your lives. I can’t wait to meet sweet Tinley!

I’m so excited to share these sessions coming up in the next couple of weeks…

Happy Family :: The White’s

Engaged! :: Mike & Dayna

Baby Bump :: Christina & Ryan

Newborn Love :: ILeana Noelle

Stay tuned tomorrow for Part I of Angela and Brent’s Peninsula Club wedding!


Jul 29, 2011
posted in baby bump with 3 Comments

Heather and Jesse are some of our closest friends:). But mine and Heather’s connections go far beyond just friendship… we all attend the same church, we are both photographers and work together quite a bit (check out Heather’s website here!), and we are both pregnant and due in the same week! It is actually laughable how similar our lives are these days but we love it. Matt and I love these two so much and I was so excited when she asked me to shoot their maternity session, first of all b/c Heather always has great ideas and secondly b/c they know how to work it in front of a camera, which is always wonderful:).

This is one of my favorite sessions to date so i hope you enjoy!


Heather looks like such a hot-mama here!

Coming soon….

(Hopefully before the arrival of Baby Tucker!)


Newborn Love :: Lily Grace


Engaged :: Amy & Chris


Baby Bump :: Heather & Jesse

Make sure to show these gorgeous ones some comment love!