Archive for baby bump

2017…whew, what I year! I was just telling a friend yesterday that I think I might be traveled out for a while. That is HUGE coming from me who LOVES traveling, has lived in 4 different countries, and visited to countless places. This year was definitely the year of travel for us as we got to go near and far to photograph some incredible weddings. From Texas to ITALY, from Charlottesville to Charleston, from Asheville to Charlotte, we have loved every minute of it. Well, except the minutes I was missing my babies which is why this winter will be a nice break free of travel.

Nonetheless, it has been an amazing year and I am so thankful. read more

To say that Rachel and Austin’s maternity shoot turned out great would be a serious understatement. These two are beautiful people, inside and out. I love the way these images display their love for each other and their little one on the way. I got to photograph these two with their sweet baby Liam a few weeks ago and it was perfect. Stay tuned for those images in the coming weeks.


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One of the things I love most about my job is that I get to see a family grow and change. In Julie and Jeremy’s case, I got to meet them for their Baby Bump session when Julie was pregnant with Maddex who is now about to be two years old! I have periodically photographed them about every 6 months since and soon I will be able to share in the joy of their 2nd baby being born, a little girl! I have grown to love this family so much and could not be more excited for their new little one to come.

This is the last session I shot before going on maternity leave, with the exception of some family stuff. Coming soon will be to some sessions featuring my family and some personal updates as well! If you hear crickets on the blog for a few days or weeks, that might mean we are welcoming our new little boy into the world. Although I will try to post pics of him as soon as I can.

But for now enjoy the Fisher family. We got a 70 degree day with snow still on the ground from the previous days. Can’t ask for much more than that!

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I got to photograph the Morrison family way back when, soon after I officially started this business. Sweet Harper here was only a few months old and it was such a pleasure to get to know them then. Fast forward a few years and Harper is now going to be a big sister. Dylan and Ashley are expecting their 2nd baby girl coming in just a couple months and I’m so glad they got in touch with me for another session to capture their life as a family of 3 and some baby bump pics as well. We met on one of the coldest days of this year but they were troopers (esp Harper!) and I love all the sweet shots that came out of this session.

Enjoy this adorable family!

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The last time I saw Liam was at his newborn session and he was a tiny little guy. Now he has just turned 2 and has a little sister on the way! Katie and I decided to do a combo baby bump and mommy & me session since daddy couldn’t make it for this one. Something about this session just captures me. Maybe it’s because I am 37 weeks pregnant with a 3rd little boy of my own, and so interactions between a mommy and her little boy makes me weak in the knees. Liam went 100 mph the whole time and I’m pretty sure he said ‘choo choo’ for 45 minutes strait,  yet Katie was able to have these special moments with him. I am so happy I got to capture them, because I know from experience that these moments are what get you through when you are completely exhausted from chasing a toddler and tending to a newborn.

I love this first image because it reminds me of one of those Pinterest images that I often get requested to shoot. We work so hard to get the shot with no luck because you can’t really force a two year old to do anything. But this image happened completely naturally and that is really what makes it so special.

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The Weddington family are some of our favorite friends. We have been doing life with them for quite a long time, before any of us were married and all the little ones started arriving. James and Blair have two sweet boys, Roman and Lincoln, so when Blair got pregnant for the 3rd time, hopes were high that this was their little girl. Sure enough Miss Stella Bea decided to make her appearance. She is here now and I can’t wait to share her newborn shoot in a few weeks. But for now, enjoy this sweet family as they anticipated this little girl. I love their interaction with one another and Blair is so beautiful rocking her baby bump.

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Susan and Curt are one of my favorites couples ever. Susan is a friend from college and the first time I met Curt was when him and Susan got re-dressed in their wedding clothes for a portrait session, when my business was just getting off the ground. Since then, these 2 have stayed in touch and stayed loyal to me for their photography needs. Such a wonderful way to keep up with their growing family! Susan and Curt are expecting their first little one come December and I can’t wait to meet him or her (they are finding out gender)! It is so clear how much these 2 love each other and Susan is just glowing in these images. Their dog Ruby even made a debut in these first few photos. Enjoy.


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Sarah and Josh are just great. Sarah has such an infectious smile, and you can see how much Josh cares for her just by the look in his eyes. I can imagine that they are both going to be completely smitten when their first baby, a sweet little girl, arrives in the next couple months. I had such a great time with these two and I love all the warm light and love that is displayed in these images.

Enjoy this gorgeous session!

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Devon and Jonathan are such a sweet couple and they are expecting their first little babe coming soon. I am always shocked to hear when people are not finding out the gender because I can’t stand not knowing something that I could potentially know! But Devon and Jonathan are doing just that and I admire them so much for being able to hold out for such a fun surprise! One thing I do know is that whether this baby is a boy or girl, he/she will have amazing parents. D&J, I had such a great time with you two and I can’t wait for your little one to arrive!

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Joey and Lindsay Smith are friends of Matt and mine from collage, so I was excited when they reconnected with me to schedule a family shoot. This was not just going to be any shoot though. See, Lindsay and Joey have been dealing with the heartbreaking struggle of infertility for 7 years. They have a huge heart for the ministry of adoption and have gone on to adopt their precious Hannah and Hunter who you see pictured. True blessings from the Lord. Lindsay’s attitude about her infertility struggles have been such an encouragement to me. She has accepted this as what the Lord has for their family and is so excited to be an advocate for adoption. So you can imagine how shocked this family was when Lindsay finally took that positive pregnancy test. Yep, positive. What a blessing it was for me to be in on capturing this incredible time in their lives, to announce the beautiful news that Lindsay was pregnant.

I have thought so much about how to share the 2nd chapter of this story, but I think it is best coming from Lindsay herself. Everything is perfectly explained in this blog post. Please read it. What amazes me most about this story is Lindsay and Joey’s unwavering hope in God’s sovereign plan for their lives. Her perspective as she wrote about their heartbreak truly astounds me.

So this shoot is not just any shoot to me. It captures a family’s love for one another and the celebration of something so sacred, something they thought they might never experience. Again, what a joy it was for me to be apart of such a meaningful time. Thanks, Lindsay and Joey for allowing me to take part in your celebration of #3. I am praying for you and I know many of the people that look at these images are praying too.

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