Newborn sessions are so priceless to me. Of course, I adore holding precious tee-tiny babies in my arms and getting them in front of my camera. But, there is something about entering a family’s home in this intimate time of bringing home a new baby that means so much to me. Mom and dad tending so carefully to such a fragile little one, siblings still getting use to being gentle and the sometime piercing cries. It means more that I can say that my clients allow me into their home at such a special time.

I was so keenly aware of these things when I entered into the Saunder’s home. Sweet Megan was born at 35 weeks happy and healthy. Her big brother Parker is such a cutie and is so great with his little sister. When I entered the home, Parker was playing with his play kitchen which is the same one I had when I was little! I immediately knew that it was going to be a great shoot and I was completely right. These 4 were a joy to photograph. Enjoy this precious family.

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