Tomorrow is a big day for me. I am headed out of town tomorrow morning with some ladies from church to the Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference and we won’t be back until Sunday. This is not the first time I have been to something like this, and is not why it’s a big day…. it’s because this will be the first time I am leaving Oliver for more than a night. FOUR days seems like such a long time! But I know this is good for me and Oli will be fine, which is why I haven’t backed out yet. Let’s just hope that we can get down the road without me completely breaking down. Whew… Is anyone else out there going to the conference? If not, you can watch the talks online if you are interested by clicking here.

But before I go, I wanted to share the most precious little girl in the world with you. Introducing Charlotte Lucille McClellan. Charlotte is the daughter of someone very special to me, Laurin. God brought Laurin into my life many many years ago but we didn’t really get to know each other until last year. It has been such a joy getting close with her and she is such a fantastic mama to Little Charlotte, as these images so clearly display.

It’s amazing how just a touch from mommy makes everything okay.

  • These are lovely, Angela! Great job. Charlotte is so precious…so glad we can hang out with her 🙂

  • Kristy

    These are precious. My favorites are the ones in the bowl with her wrapped in a blanket crocheted by her great great grandmother. I also love the smile when mommy’s hand touched her to make it all better. Great job! Charlotte makes it worth being called a GREAT AUNT even if it makes me sound really really old.