The 2nd half of Clinton and Grace’s engagement session was out of a storybook. Like I mentioned in the previous post, Grace along with her sister Margaret worked so hard to put together every aspect of this portion of the shoot. I love shooting natural interaction and candid shots, but I also love me a good styled shoot within that and I adore the final product of this one. First Clinton and Grace picnicked with some of their favorite wine and cheeses. Then we took to the lake for some shots, in style of course. :):)
Grace and Clinton’s engagement session was one for the record books for me. Grace worked so hard to make this session everything that she had dreamed. Our session was located on a beautiful piece of land in South Carolina that offered many amazing options for images and the light was just gorgeous. I have so many favorites from this session that I am splitting it into two parts. This first part is portraits and more emotional/interactive images of Grace and Clinton and part 2 is more of a styled-shoot designed by Grace and her sister. I loved shooting all aspect of this session because these two truly are a joy to be around.
Stay tuned tomorrow for Part II!