Oct 11, 2011
posted in happy family with 1 Comments

As I mentioned in the sneak peek, I’ve known the Trents for quite a while. Bethany and I were close girlfriends in college (still are) and we had so many adventures together. Along with another girlfrind, Bethany and I once found ourselves in a very shady part of downtown Atlanta very late at night, begging anyone who would listen for Panthers/Falcons tickets, ha! Oh the memories…

I can’t believe Bethany and Matt now have 2 little cuties, Jake and Brooklyn. It is amazing how fast time flies and it is going even faster now that my little one is here. Beth and Matt- hope you enjoy these images of your sweet family, as much as i enjoyed taking them. Love you guys!


  • Cindy Lawrence

    Great pictures!! But really it makes your job easy when you got such lovely subjects to take pictures. Love this family, love these pictures, and love you!